An update from Bishop Jeremiah Kibobi

1. The Pre-school

The space the pre-school used to occupy is now partly housing the orphan girls as their dormitory and another part is the office for the Junior school. The tin houses that used to be dormitories for the orphans are now demolished. (A great achievement). The Junior school classrooms are in a separate building from the dormitories. The younger  boys have their dormitory near my house while the younger  girls have their dormitory in the downstairs of the High school girls' dormitory.

2. Bathrooms

We modified what was the girls' bathrooms and made them classes for the Junior school. We then put a concrete slab on that building and now we are roofing the first floor and so we shall have three more classes for the Junior school. The ground floor now has four small classrooms that suit the little children.

We built some very nice bathrooms for the girls and we also subdivided the bathrooms for the boys and now they have cubicles in their bathrooms. We have 10 cubicles for the older girls and three for the orphan girls. In the boys section, we have 14 bathroom cubicles in total.

We also built very nice toilets for the Junior school children. They are attached to their classroom building.

 3. Accommodation for guests

We have better facilities for accommodating guests in the guest wing. We modified our former small house and made it two big rooms which each has access to the bathrooms at the back. We have also lately modified another section of the same building and have other two big rooms and the process of modification will still continue upon availability of finances. Currently, we can accommodate 24 guests comfortably without using double decker beds. This is because we have 12 nice rooms which each has two nice single beds. 

4. General 

We are trying to remove the tin houses at Magnet and we believe that in the next five years, we shall not have any house with iron sheet walls.

Recently we constructed a greenhouse where we want to plant kale, tomatoes, onions and carrots for the school. It has been quite challenging because rain is very scarce and when we irrigate the farm, our water level in the borehole goes down and so we thought it wise to build the greenhouse and save on the water usage.

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